Animals Almost Done

Animals Almost Done

Last night I stayed up until 1 a.m. working on the puzzle!  That’s really late for me as I’m usually in bed by 10 to 10:30 at the latest.  I was on a roll and just wanted to keep puzzling.  Plus, there’s no clock in my puzzle room so time really can get away from me in there.

Anyway, I am happy to report that I made some good progress.  The horse is now mostly complete as well as the kangeroo and the flamingos.  I still have a few pieces here and there on each animal, but the biggest part is out of the way.

Here’s a new picture of what I got knocked out last night.  Hoping to puzzle again in the morning before Derek wakes up.  Wish me luck there….LOL

5 thoughts on “Animals Almost Done

  1. Looks great! Even though you took a time-out to be sick, you still are farther than I am. Good luck in the morning. I know how it is with the kiddos. 🙂

  2. Thanks, Cortney! I'm only ahead of you because you haven't worked on it at all in what – year? More? Honestly, I can't even remember when you stopped. I know it's been at least a year.

    Once you get back to it, you will quickly catch up to me I'm sure. I was just commenting on Tom and Mercedes blog that I wish I puzzled faster. I think I am pretty slow. You and they seem to do it so quickly. I don't know why I'm not as quick other than the fact I really have only completed 3 or 4 puzzles as an adult. The others as a kid and not even that many then.

    I sort a lot, and that does help tremendously, but I still feel slow at times. Unfortunately, I don't get much time all at once to work on it so you can't make a ton of progress when you only get 30 minutes to an hour at a time to work. That's why last night was so much fun. I was able to work on it for close to three hours straight. That is pretty unheard of around here usually as I'm sure you know all too well also.

  3. Thanks, Tom. I know I shouldn't be hard on myself, but I just want to be faster. I see you guys doing it so quickly, and I'm like….man, I wish I could find the pieces that quickly. I know, someday, I will get there. It's just hard waiting. LOL

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