Slow and Steady Wins the Race, Right?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race, Right?

Hmmm….I wonder if I can qualify for some sort of “longest amount of time to finish Life puzzle” award?  LOL  I am making very slow, but progressive progress on Section 2.  Sorry I haven’t updated in a while, but haven’t been working on it much due to being sick a lot.  Hoping (fingers, toes, and eyes crossed) that this is it for a while.  I’m tired of being sick!

The last couple of mornings, I worked on the puzzle a little bit before baby boo woke up.  I got a good chunk of the upper right corner between Neptune and the top border done.  Most of the two big parrot looking birds are done as well, and I put the clownfish in what I believe is their proper postions…give or take a few pieces left or right.  Here are some new pictures.  Enjoy!


Overall picture of Section 2:

Close up of top half:

Start of solar system area and parrots:

4 thoughts on “Slow and Steady Wins the Race, Right?

  1. Wow I love all the other balloons and the parrot. The lionfish reminds me that they are an invasive species here and they are killing off the native reef fish (someone released them into the waters of florida and with no natural predators, have consumed the reefs of the Caribbean). It is encouraged to kill these things if you see them. The other day on my scuba dive, we bagged several including one with about a 16 inch "wing span".

    Funny thing, green goo leaked out of it after it was speared. When I got back to the surface, I talked with my buddy about it. He said, in 65feet of water, you would bleed green too. I never released but he is totally right, nothing is red that deep. Red light cant make it that deep in the water, so everyone bleeds green!

  2. You know it's funny. I recently saw something on TV about lion fish and how destructive they are. They're asking people to fish for them, and eat them. I guess they're supposed to be pretty tasty, but I would have no idea how to cook one…I'm not big on fish to begin with so unless it tastes like lobster, I probably wouldn't like it anyway. LOL Are you going to cook and eat the ones you caught?

    They are kind of cool looking, in a big, ugly dude kind of way. LOL

  3. Slow and steady will still win the race and slow progress is always better than no progress! Great perseverance Penny =) I just got back to puzzling this summer and I just had to take a quick peek at your blog. Keep up the good work!

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