Kittens’ Bedtime
How cute is this puzzle? I fell in love with it the moment I first saw it. There is just something very sweet about the whole image. I read to my kids before bed too so maybe that’s why I love so much. Huge Harry Potter fan too so absolutely loved the Harry Pawter book nod. Click here to order this cute puzzle for yourself from Puzzle Warehouse. You can also order directly on Vermont Christmas Company’s website. That’s where I ordered my copy.

As you can see, I quickly assembled the book first as it was the easiest (and most fun) starting point I thought. Sometimes a puzzle’s assembly kind of takes on a life of it’s own. I like to let the puzzle dictate where I begin and what comes next. Every time it’s something different and it all depends on what stands out to me in the moment. See the missing border piece on the lower left? It doesn’t bother me if I miss a border piece in my initial sort through the pieces. I understand that it will reveal itself at some point during the build process. I don’t feel compelled to go back through 1000 or more pieces just looking for that one elusive edge piece. I know that drives some people bananas, but it truly doesn’t bother me in the least.
Also fun in this puzzle were the three little blue stuffed bears. They made me think of my own children who are very attached to their favorite stuffed animals, and even at age 11, my oldest son still wants his “blue dog” in bed with him every night. I swear that dog will be going with him to his college dorm at some point! LOL
I think the artist, Irina Garmashova-Cawton, captured the sweetness and innocence of these sleepy little kittens and their momma so well, and I look forward to doing more of her puzzles in the future.