Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to all my fellow friends, family, and blog readers. I hope your day is super special and spent with those you love the most! I am spending the day with the three most important people in my life — Randy, Derek and Cole. They are my everything.

Unfortunately, I am unable to spend the day with my own mom (though equally as important in my life), but she is not far from my thoughts today and I will certainly be calling her later when it’s not so early in the morning in California.
I have been blessed to have one of the sweetest mom’s on the planet and I couldn’t possibly love her any more than I already do. For many years she was my very best friend and we did just about everything together. Crafts, reading, playing board and card games, but day-long shopping excursions which always included a yummy lunch somewhere were my favorites. We did lots of fun things together over the years, and I miss that. We now live on opposite sides of the country and I only see her once a year generally.
My mom is and always will be one of my favorite people. Her heart is pure and oh so generous, and her love of her children and grandchildren is never ending. Happy Mother’s Day Momma! I love you!
I’m grateful I was able to celebrate her 80th birthday with her last June and seeing her face light up when she saw all her friends that she had not seen since the devastating Camp Fire in Paradise, California forced everyone to move to new locations.
If you are blessed enough to still have your own mom in your life, please take the time to call or reach out to her today and tell her how much she means to you. Life, especially right now, is precious and fleeting. You never know when it could possibly be her last so make the most of the ones you do have.
Happy Mother’s Day everyone!