PUZZLE REVIEW: Eyes for Pies

PUZZLE REVIEW: Eyes for Pies

Manufacturer:  Ravensburger

Name:  Eyes for Pies

Series:  Food Porn

Artist / Photographer:  Unknown

Piece Count:  500

Piece Quality:  Excellent

New / Used: New

Fit:  Great; snug

Assembly:  Believe it or not, I am still a relatively NOVICE puzzler.  Even though I have completed a puzzle with 24,000 pieces, it was just ONE puzzle.  Overall, I have only done a very small handful so it might really surprise you to know that this puzzle was only my 3rd Ravensburger puzzle ever!  I did one as a teenager that was some kind of Winnie the Pooh and Friends birthday party scene that was likely less than 500 pieces and another 48 piece children’s puzzle I did with my son, Cole.  That’s it!  Truly!!!*  Most of my puzzling experience has been with Educa (for obvious reasons) and Buffalo.  I have done one off puzzles by a couple of other companies, but those were mostly done as a result of a small puzzle company sending me a puzzle to review for the blog. 

I immediately gravitated toward this puzzle when I saw it on the shelf at Target for two reasons:  1) it was a Ravensburger at Target – which in and of itself is rare for my local Target; and 2) it immediately reminded me of my Momma.  ?  My mom has always been an excellent baker.  From the moment I was old enough to sit on the counter and help “count” as we put teaspoons or tablespoons full of sugar or flour, etc. into a bowl I was making delicious desserts.  She has the most INCREDIBLE pie crust recipe ever, and is one my friends and family have begged for throughout the years.  I remember many a special occasion where Mom and I would make pies together.  Some of my most favorites to this day are her Chocolate, Banana and Coconut Cream, Pecan, Rhubarb and Strawberry (don’t say yick – it is FABULOUS!  You don’t even taste the rhubarb at all), and crumb topped apple pies.   Yumm – O.  Makes me salivate just thinking about all of these goodies.

And don’t you just love the name of this series?  Food Porn!  HAH!  That made me laugh out loud in the middle of Target, and was just one more reason I couldn’t move it into my shopping cart fast enough.  This puzzle was so much fun to assemble.  Not only because it is great Ravensburger quality with the nice non-glare, linen finish but also because it brought back so many great memories of baking with Mom throughout the years.

I had initially planned to frame this one for my kitchen, but was so disappointed to find it was missing one edge piece when finished.  Bummer!  I don’t know about you, but I never assume it is the manufacturer’s fault when I’m missing a piece at the end because 9 times out of 10 I find it later on the floor somewhere in my house.  This has happened to me on a few new puzzles, and I am almost always to blame.  So, there is still a good likelihood that is the case with this one.  However, I generally find the stupid missing piece right after I have boxed up the puzzle and put it away to start another one.  That has not been the case this time so I am not 100% convinced it didn’t come this way initially.  I have not contacted Ravensburger to see about a replacement simply because I know so many people do that when 95% of the time it was actually the puzzler’s own fault for accidently dropping or carrying the piece away from the table on their clothing or arm.  I guess I just feel guilty for contacting them and essentially trying to “blame them” for giving me an incomplete puzzle when I cannot in all fairness prove it was left out of the box initially.  I know they would most likely replace it because they are a good company who stands behind their products and want to maintain their reputation of great customer service, but it just doesn’t feel right to me to do that in most cases.

In the meanwhile, I have put the puzzle away in hopes I do eventually find the missing border piece.  If and when I do, you can be sure I will hang it proudly in my kitchen and think of my sweet momma as I continue to bake her most treasured recipes.  ?

*UPDATE:  I have since done a couple more Ravensburger which I will review soon, and I have also purchased Ravensburger’s mega puzzle – 40,320 Disney Moments.  Once that baby is complete, I will officially be able to consider myself a Ravensburger puzzling pro!

Overall Rating:  A++

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