100 pc. – The Muppets Most Wanted

A few months ago Randy won some sort of “movie goers” gift box from one of the movie studios (don’t recall which one). We just recently got the box and inside was a cute little 100-piece jigsaw puzzle that was the movie poster for the new Muppets movie.
Today Derek asked if we could put it together. Of course I never turn down an opportunity to do a puzzle with my little boy so we got it out and started working on it. This is the biggest puzzle that Derek has worked on so far, and he seemed to enjoy it.

He preferred it when I got the connecting piece close to where it needed to go and then he got to “hammer it in” with his fist. LOL
We had a good time putting it together – though he was a bit confused as to why there were two “kermies” in the puzzle. And, quite frankly, I was too….hmmm…