Almost 2 Weeks of Entertaining + Being 6.5 Months Pregnant = Very Little Puzzle Progress
Well after entertaining my in-laws from the Thursday before Mother’s Day until my nephew’s 2nd birthday party on May 19th, I am pleased to report that I’m DONE entertaining for a little while. LOL Well, until Memorial Day that is…when we are hosting a BBQ…LOL It was a lot of fun having Mom and Dad here to visit, but it was two busy back-to-back weekends with the whole week in between and lots of parties and entertaining for the whole family. I’m tired!
Of course all of this activity meant that I got zero time to work on the puzzle, and now I’m so far behind my puzzling friend Charly in Chile that I will never catch up to him on this section. He’s already almost 50% done, and I’m maybe 1,000 pieces into it? Not even sure it’s that much yet, but you’ll see in the pictures below.
This morning was the first time I’ve worked on it since the in laws arrived and it felt really good. I got a few of my smaller subsections re-sorted, but I have more to do. I have various pieces from the horse, flamingos, and deer type animal pulled out on a piece of foam board, but it needs more organizing to sort by shape and color. Today I started pulling out the pieces for the blue planet with the rings behind the lighthouse (Saturn?). I will start putting those together this afternoon when Derek takes his nap.
I have a good start on the butterflies as you’ll see in the first picture below, and a good chunk of a couple of the larger fish.
I’m hoping that Randy will take our son to Catch Air sometime this weekend so I can get in a couple more hours of puzzling. 🙂
Alright, here are some new pictures, although you’re not going to see much forward progress since the last set, but at least we’re caught up now picture wise to where I’m at currently.

Overview of whole section:

Tiger fish and some other yellow fish:

Eagle, lighthouse, tiger:

Some of the larger fish almost done:

2 thoughts on “Almost 2 Weeks of Entertaining + Being 6.5 Months Pregnant = Very Little Puzzle Progress”
Penny I think you will win the record for the LONGEST time to assemble life 🙂 Keep up the good work! Its funny how the back of some of the pieces are a different color.
Ha ha….didn't you know that was actually the record I was going for? I believe in one of my first few posts I said something to that affect since I had a baby right before I purchased the puzzle.
I also figure that it could end up being a mother / son(s) project as Derek will probably be in at least 6th grade before I finish it. Hee hee
Oh well….it's the journey, not the amount of time spent on it, right?