Completed Puzzles

Completed Puzzles

Prior to 2009, I couldn’t tell you how many puzzles I’d completed as I didn’t really work on them much due to the “nowhere to put it” issue I’ve talked about previously.  So most of the time I never finished them.  This page is going to be extremely short for a while yet, but I am starting this section to show the puzzles that I have completed since 2009, and my discovery of the puzzle roll.

My very first puzzle once I got the roll was a Christmas scene by Nicky Boehme.  I really love her artwork.  Some of her stuff has a Thomas Kinkade type feel so that’s probably why I like it so much.  This one was really fun, by SunsOut, and the pieces were slightly bigger than the average puzzle pieces so they were easy to work with.  I plan to do more of her puzzles in the future.  They are fun scenes.

YOU’D BETTER BE GOOD – Nicky Boehme – 1,000 pieces – SunsOut

Completed in 2009
OLD TIME BASEBALL – Bits and Pieces – 300 pieces
Completed in 2009.
This is the one puzzle I actually got my husband to work on with me.  My mother-in-law bought it for me and he and I put it together one afternoon.  It was fun working on a puzzle together.  He’s not very patient when it comes to searching for puzzle pieces so I was happy that he helped me on this one…now if I could just convince him that Life would be fun to work on together too….LOL
SECTION 1 – Life:  The Great Challenge – Educa – 6,000 pieces

Section 1 completed:  April 2, 2013

SECTION 2 – Life:  The Great Challenge – Educa – 6,000 pieces
Section 2 completed:  April 13, 2014