Puzzle Momma

Some Much Needed Mommy Free Time

I am happy to report that I got a nice little chunk of Mommy Free time this last weekend and it was WONDEFUL!!!  It was the first completely kid free time I’ve had since Cole was born about 2.5 months ago.  Randy took both kids out for several hours and gave me a break.  Of course, instead of napping like I probably should have, I couldn’t wait to get in some puzzling time.  I spent close to 4 hours working on the puzzle and it truly felt like heaven.

I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked to, but I did make some really good progress on the black / blueish sky area and mostly finished the dolphin jumping out of the water.

Here’s a couple of new pictures so you can see the progress.  Hoping to get another mommy free break again in the next couple of weeks…yippeee!

Very slow progress, but at least I am moving forward a few inches at a time!  LOL