Puzzle Momma

Puzzle Review: A Cat’s Life

Manufacturer:  Eurographics

Name:  A Cat’s Life

Series:  1 of 2 (A Dog’s Life)

Artist / Photographer:  Gary Patterson

Piece Count:  500

Piece Quality:  Excellent

New / Used: New

Fit:  Not too loose, but not tight

Assembly: This puzzle was so much fun to assemble! I bought this along with the second in the series — A Dog’s Life at the same time. I decided to do the cat one first as I wanted to savor the dog one a little longer. The piece quality was excellent, a nice non-glare finish and thick pieces. The fit was good as well. A super fun puzzle which was very quick and easy to put together. Always a big plus in my book.

I am usually more of a dog person, but love cats too. I can’t have either one anymore as my husband is allergic to both and therefore is not an animal lover so I will likely never have one again. Boo Hoo

Funny story though — when I first put the border together I was getting more and more ticked off because it looked like the manufacturer had “lied” about the dimensions of the puzzle. Clearly it did not fit on my board and I knew based on the size labeled on the box it definitely should have fit. I was really starting to get frustrated as I put together one side of the puzzle and saw it was about 3 pieces too long for the board. WTH? I said….thinking I would need to call the manufacturer and complain.

It was about that point when, much to my own embarrassment, I realized — you fool, this is a VERTICAL puzzle NOT a HORIZONTAL one! That’s why you can’t get it to fit — you have to turn the freakin’ board around you idiot! Groan! LOL

I’m such an idiot! LOL

So, of course once I realized what I had done wrong and fixed it, the border fit on the board just fine! Hee hee

Here are some of my favorite scenes from the puzzle. The overall image just makes me smile. These mischievous cats are so cute and made me laugh while putting them all together.

Overall Rating: A+ I loved every minute of this fun puzzle. Can’t wait to start A Dog’s Life!