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12 Days of Christmas — Days 8 thru 12

When I started this cute Christmas set, I had intended to do a write up for one puzzle per day on the blog for 12 days straight. As usual, this Puzzle Momma got bogged down with real life events due to the holidays and our travel plans to Atlanta. Now Christmas is officially behind us and I am trying to play catch up. Therefore, I will group days 8 through 12 into one longer post.

Day 8 was probably my most favorite of all the puzzles to assemble. The Santa in this one is so sweet, but the adorable little reindeer peeking their faces around Santa makes me smile. I loved this one so much.

Santa and his sneaky reindeer

Day 9 was also a lot of fun and was surprisingly easy to put together. I figured it would be a little more challenging as it had several ornaments that look identical, but I was happily wrong.

This is the one my puzzle friend Stacey at My Jigsaw Journal was looking forward to the most with her set, and was so disappointed and angry that Ceaco had mistakingly put in a previous day’s puzzle in this spot instead! So unfair! Her set was truly bad on many levels. She has officially banned Ceaco for a while…and I cannot blame her!

For me, Day 10 was the hardest, and at first I couldnt put my mind around why. I mean yes, it is dark and mostly blue, but at only 100 pieces…how difficult could it really be, right?

It wasnt until I finished the puzzle that I realized why I had been having so much trouble with it. Take a look…see anything unusual?!

The worst of the bunch!

There are 8, yes, EIGHT extra pieces AND 3 missing ones! No wonder I was struggling to get it done. LOL. Who the heck was running the cutter and bagging on this one at Ceaco?!

When I returned from Atlanta I finished the final two puzzles. One of which was my third favorite overall image — Day 11. If you haven’t figured this out about me already, I will let you in on a little secret — I love dogs! They are the sweetest, cutest and most adorable animals on the planet. I miss having dogs, but hubby is allergic and not a big fan…so no furbabies for this girl, I guess. Boo hoo!

Santa Puppies

By the time I got to Day 12 I was actually ready for this set to come to an end. While I had thoroughly enjoyed it most of the way, I had a hard time getting as motivated to finish once I had gotten a taste of the really poor quality control that Stacey had been seeing throughout her experience. However, I knew I only had one more to do so I pulled myself up by my non-existent bootstraps and got to work.

To All a Good Night

I dont know if it was the experiences mentioned above or the fact that Santa’s sleigh is painted like a 70s woody style Station Wagon, but this puzzle was just “Meh” for me. I did not care for the color of the sleigh at all. It just didnt look Christmasy or Santa Clausy enough for my tastes. However, it did at least have all its parts and no extra ones!

12 Days of Chriatmas — Ceaco

Overall, this set was a lot of fun to assemble and I did look forward to opening each day’s little gem and putting it together. The quality of mine was not nearly as bad as Stacey’s with the exception of Day 10. I would only recommend purchasing this set if you go into it knowing it is likely to have issues — maybe a LOT of issues. The images are quite adorable and despite the problems, I did have a lot of fun with the assembly.

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