Puzzle Momma

Happy New Year — 2016 is Gonna Be the ONE

Wow, it has been a really long time since I posted, I know.  As usual, my life gets in the way of my puzzling time, and my blogging time.  The holidays are finally over, and what a whirlwind it has been.  My in-laws were here for a visit, and we also celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary while they were here.

A house full of company is a lot of fun is also very TIRING!  LOL  Randy and I are still re-cooping, but after months on end, I finally got to sit down at the puzzle table for more than 30 minutes at a stretch.  Oh how glorious it was!  I got a bunch of “fill in” pieces done, and plan to return to the underwater city this evening after the kids go to bed.

It feels great to be “back in the game” again and I feel confident that 2016 is finally going to be THE YEAR I finish this big, beautiful beast.  If I am true to my section finishing for the first three sections, I have until April to get this finished.  Each section has been finished some time during the month of April.  So, that’s my new goal.  Finish by April 30th!

Hope everyone out there reading had a wonderful holiday season filled with much love, good food, and great company!

Updated pictures to follow soon…