Puzzle Momma

All That Remains…Part Two

It’s amazing what a little alone time three days a week can do for a puzzling momma!  I have been getting in at least an hour or so on these days and it has been wonderful.  It’s also getting a lot easier since I have a lot less pieces to weed through to find the right one as I get closer and closer to the end.

Here are a couple of picture updates. As you can see, all that remains is the bluish water/fish area just below the water line.

I would love to try and make a push for getting this finished in the next week or two.  I want to take a small break before tackling Section 3 and finish my Las Vegas, Baby puzzle I had started back in 2009 before we moved from our first house in Lake Mary and it got accidently put on the moving truck.  I know it’s missing pieces due to this, but I’ve got to see it through to the end and find out how bad it truly is…  Then, I think I might do one more small 1,000 piece puzzle and a thorough spring cleaning on my house before sinking my teeth into Section 3. I never thought I would get to that section, but I will soon be 50% done with a 24,000 piece puzzle.  Wow!