Puzzle Momma

I’m On a Roll Now!

I can’t believe that I have gotten to work on the puzzle multiple times this week – it makes me sooo happy. Between yesterday and today I was able to place well over 200 pieces, I think. Very excited about that.

I have also set a new goal for myself so that I can finish this section up in a timely manner and then take a small puzzling break to do a thorough spring cleaning of my house, and to do a smaller puzzle or two before sinking my teeth into the third section. So, May 30th is my goal for completing Section 2. Randy and I are attending a family wedding in New York that weekend, and I want to fly up there knowing that Section 2 is “in the bag.” So, wish me lots of luck…I’m going to need it! Hee hee Here’s a picture of the last two days worth of labor – the most significant change is all the purple / pink anemone on the left side has been filled in. The yellow fish (right in the upper middle), and lots of fill in work on the bottom middle and right sides.