Puzzle Momma


I have made a little progress on some of the anemone areas surrounding the clownfish over the last week.  It’s not a significant amount of progress, but as they say, any progress is progress, right?

This evening I am planning on working on Tom and Mercedes’ mystery puzzles.  I have had to put off working on it further until after I got some things done in preparation for Cole’s early arrival.  I should be able to post new pictures of those puzzles soon hopefully.  The borders are done – I just need to put them on my puzzle roll since my puzzling table is still occupied, and get started on some of the other areas of the puzzles.

Here’s a picture of the anenome areas that I’ve been working on this week.

Can’t wait to work on it again soon…hopefully tomorrow morning.  Gotta get in as much as I can before baby arrives.