Puzzle Momma

So Sick of Being SICK!!!!

This has been the worst few months for me as far as being sick.  During this pregnancy so far, I have been sick 5 times total.  Early in my first trimester I got a bad cold / flu virus that lasted for about 2 weeks and turned into bronchitis and a sinus infection.  Then in the second trimester I got a tooth infection and had to have it pulled.  I also got a relatively mild case of food poisoning.  Moving on to my third trimester, I got the worst stomach virus I’ve ever had.  The cramps and abdominal pain were so intense that I couldn’t even sleep…that just finally went away last week after 3.5 days of misery.  And now, I’ve got another cold / virus thing happening.  I’m miserable, and sick to death of not feeling good.  Nothing to do with the baby – he’s fine, but all of these viruses are getting to me.  I’m so stuffed up I can’t breath, laying down in bed makes it worse, and now the congestion  has started moving into my chest and making me cough and gag really hard.  YUCK!!!!

Anyway, I know this supposed to be a blog about my jigsaw puzzles, and not about bitching and moaning about being sick, but due to all these illnesses, I really haven’t made much progress at all on Section 2. Then of course we also left for 1.5 weeks to go to Florida and take Derek to Disney World.  The trip was a blast and we had such a great time seeing The Magic Kingdom through his eyes.  Quite magical!

Here are a couple of new pictures…as you can see not a lot of progress has been made, but most of the right side of the rainbow is finished, most of the blue planet (Neptune?), and the butterflies are in place now.

Thanks for sticking with me.