Puzzle Momma

Not Such A Bad Idea Afterall

I have to say that I’m now happy that I gave the clownfish a break and started working on some of the other fish and coral on the last 1/3rd of the puzzle because I have made some good progress. All the other fishes are either complete or mostly complete now, and some of the easier colors of coral are finished as well.

I am posting a picture or two below to show the progress, although I have made even more since these pictures were taken a couple of days ago. I think I’m down to maybe a 1,000 pieces give or take a few! I am so excited. My goal of finishing section 1 before baby 2 arrives is well within reach and I couldn’t be more elated. If I can keep up this pace then I will finish well before August. Hip Hip Hooray!

Now the bigger question is….if I finish before August…do I start section 2? LOL I think I will be so excited about finishing the first section that I will want to immediately start working on the next one. I also need to figure out what I’m going to do with the completed section while working on the next section. Some people had good success working the second section directly on top of the first as it was the same cut pattern so it helped them to identify which piece went where, but I can’t imagine that being easy on the eyes. I am going to give it a try, but I have a feeling I won’t be able to go it with my eyes for very long. And if that’s the case, I’ve got to figure out how to turn the completed section over so I can put contact paper on the back and be able to move it off the puzzle board so I can start the 2nd section. Ahh, decisions….decisions….

Anyway, here’s the pictures. Enjoy, and thanks again for reading!