Puzzle Momma

Clownfish….you think you are sooo funny, huh?

I have come to realize why I subconsciously put off doing the clownfish until the end, even though I said numerous times that I would do them in the beginning right after the border and hot air balloons were completed, they are a HUGE PAIN IN THE ARSE! LOL As most people before me on the Life Hall of Fame website will attest to, this is definitely going to be the most challenging part of this section. The colors are vibrant, but there’s at least 5 different clownfish that are yellow and white! How am I to know which piece goes to which fish? Four or more pink and white clownfish, multiple green ones, etc! It’s crazy… I know there are very subtle differences in each fish even when they are the same color, but good lord it’s not easy finding the pieces. Sorting for me on this part has also been difficult since there are pieces which have yellow, pink, and blue parts to them. Which pile do you throw those in? Eeekk! I will be posting more pictures here in a few minutes, but just had to get this off my chest while I was thinking about it….clownfish, I don’t like you so much anymore. 🙂 Bad fishies! Bad, bad, bad!!!