Puzzle Momma

Can You Teach a 6-month Old to Tell Time?

I’m trying to figure out a way to teach my 6-month-old son to know the difference between Mon – Fri and the weekend. LOL Doesn’t he realize that if mommy stays up until 12:30 a.m. working on the puzzle that he should just automatically sleep until 8 a.m. even though he went to bed at 7:30 p.m. the night before? LOL I just don’t understand why this is not happening – what am I doing wrong here? 🙂

Anyway, I had planned to work on the puzzle a little more this evening, but I am wiped out tired and ready to hit the sack.

Tomorrow may be a little tricky too for working on the puzzle. I have to make a key lime pie (a good one, not the typical ones you find in FL…lol) and then we’re heading over to some friends for the afternoon.

Should be only a few more days on the balloons and then I can move on to the clown fish. I have decided to tackle those next rather than doing the animals first. I know they will be somewhat easier than the fish so I’d rather do the fish first and get them out of the way so that my last section will be easier.