Puzzle Momma

Weird Places to Find a Puzzle Piece – #1

I was able to do a little work on the puzzle yesterday and even had my first, but undoubtedly not my last experience with finding a puzzle piece in a strange place. I was downstairs working on the puzzle while Derek was taking a nap. Later on when he started crying to get up, I went upstairs, bent over the crib to pick him up, and found a puzzle piece right there inside his crib! I think it had just fallen off of me as I wasn’t working on the puzzle prior to putting him down for the nap, and it was in a place where I would have easily seen it had it been there when I first put him down. It was really weird though. It must have been on my shirt or stuck to my arm and somehow made it all the way upstairs and into to his room before falling off.  Thankfully it fell where it did as it was easy to spot and not on the floor where I might not have noticed it for who knows how long.

I haven’t made a lot of progress, but I do have more of the balloons done. I will be taking new pictures tonight or tomorrow morning and posting soon.