Puzzle Momma

Day 8: A Change in Strategy – Not an Error in Math

No, there’s nothing wrong with my math skills – I have decided to change my strategy as far as counting the days it takes me to do the puzzle. Prior to this post, I was counting each day as a new day in the overall total length of time I’ve had the puzzle, but then I realized that’s kind of stupid since there are times when a week goes by without my even touching it. So today I figured out what day I would be on if I only counted the days where I actually worked on the puzzle. This will make my numbers much better looking and somehow not quite as sad as having to put that I’m on Day 33 already when I’ve just barely started doing the balloons. I’m still going to try and keep track of my hours though. I believe I am still at 13 puzzling hours since I haven’t worked on the puzzle in over a week now due to various circumstances. I probably won’t be getting to it again until Sunday, but hopefully that will be a day where I can make some decent progress since my husband will be home and can help take care of our son.